Apiprodex company began its operations in 2002, being the firm that set on the market the concept of ecological honey and apiary products. The company was established for production activities, processing and export of high quality apiary products, origin from Romania.

The head office and the warehouse are located in Tîrgu- Mureş, a city placed in central Transylvania, thus facilitating better logistics and supply of the central purchasing point.

Our Organic certification program vises aprox. 120 beekeepers across the country, which means that the organic honey of over 15.000 bee colonies can be found on the European market. As a novelty, in the summer of 2012 a new certification project was initiated, recognized by the West European market as "NATURLAND" and aiming for the moment 12 beekeepers with aprox. 2.000 bee colonies. Inspection and certification of the organic bee families is provided by ECOINSPECT, in accordance with EC regulation 834/2007. Also, there can be honey purchased from different beekeepers that are organic certified by other European certification bodies, such as: CSI GmbH, BCS Oeko Warranty, AGRECO, Ecocert, Ceres GmbH. Prior to delivery, the honey is analyzed according to the following parameters: antibiotics, humidity, HMF and it is closely monitored to prevent counterfeiting with sugars or other additives. Safety of the foodstuff is ensured by ISO 22000 quality system implemented by the firm URS (United Registrar of Systems) Romania.

The range of products that Apiprodex company can offer includes organic honey in bulk, in drums of 300 kg, of the following types: acacia, linden, poliflora and manna, but also some other apiary products, such as pollen and propolis.


Quick facts and figures

Based in: Lucernei St. 2, Tirgu Mureș, Romania

Founded in: 2003

Turnover: 2.5 mil. EURO

Number of employees: 8

Locations: 2

Processed bee honey (2015): 450 t


Website: www.apiprodex.eu

E-mail: office@apiprodex.eu

Phone: +4.0265.31.10.45

General manager: Dorin Dogar