Our company was founded in 1991 and is family owned . We are located in the south part of Romania, near Bucharest.
At the moment we process about 500 tons of honey/year. We have an annual turnover of almost 2 mil C and 15 employees.
We pack and sell about 20 products based mostly on bee products (honey, pollen, propolis, royal jelly, bee bread and others) under our own brand 'Albina Carpatina" and Private labels to several important retail chains present in Romania, pharmacies, healthy products stores and export them to other countries. We also pack and export honey in jars with abroad clients own labels.
We process and export to several EU countries the following types of homogenized honey: polyfloral, linden, acacia, rape and sunflower.
Our main concern is to provide our customers high quality products in compliance with EU quality directives and regulations. The quality control starts from the honey reception to the delivery of finished products.
Our products are tested by lntertek Germany and also by Romanian accredited laboratories.
We are the first company in Romania authorized for intra-Community trade of bee products, in 2007. The company is certified ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 22 000 (HACCP).